Textile recycling

Collection '25

We are working on a world in which textile waste doesn’t exist, but where we speak of raw materials.

Working together with

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This makes us stand out from the rest

For four generations, Wolkat has controlled the entire textile recycling chain. We collect, sort, recycle and recreate the textiles into a recycled end product. This circular working method enables us to completely unburden customers in achieving their sustainability goals. This gives us a unique position in the world because we work in a fully circular and transparent way.
Fully recycled
Kimberley, the
fourth generation

“To protect the planet,
we don’t wait for solutions,
we create them”

John Carter
Nike, CA

Do you want a tailor made product?

That's possible! Please contact us and we will look at the possibilities together.

Download our Circular Color Collection

Enter your e-mail address and we will ensure that you receive the color card as soon as possible.